Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Week Ahead: And we're back!

Ok guys, so due to essays, exams and various other dull, uninteresting but ever-so 'necessary' tasks, we haven't been able to update the site in the wake of the Oscars a couple of weeks ago. We're sincerely sorry, and hope you, our faithful and loyal readers, can find it deep in your hearts to forgive us. The good news is that now we're back Willis-style: with a vengeance. And as a mark of intent, here is our first The Week Ahead, to let you know what you can expect over the coming seven days, right here on NotYetRated.co.uk!

Review: The Adjustment Bureau
The latest Philip K. Dick (Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report) story to get the silver-screen treatment sees Matt Damon and Emily Blunt running around New York City in this metaphysical thriller. Damon plays an upcoming political star who meets Blunt and instantly falls in love. When he's told by the hatted-men of the mysterious Adjustment Bureau that it's against their fate to be together, the couple embark on a race against the organisation that enforce their greater 'Plan'. I caught the film, which has been referred to rather shamelessly as 'Bourne meets Inception', at the weekend and will have a review up very soon.

Review: Rango
Pirates of the Caribbean director-actor duo Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp are reunited in this western-inspired animation. Far more notably than that though; Rango is the first fully animated feature film from special effects outfit Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). If you haven't heard of them, you should be ashamed of yourself. They're responsible for the visual effects on a few little projects such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park and Harry Potter. Oh, and Pixar were born out of ILM too. See, aren't you glad you come to NYR.co.uk to gain such knowledge? Needless to say, with this pedigree, we expect at least a visually stunning animation, and our guest writer James will reveal all in his review this week.

A critics' favourite and Oscar-nominee, this different romantic drama tells the story of a young couple's relationship (Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling) from first sight, marriage, downfall and divorce via every passion-filled, emotion-flooded moment in between. The drama unfolds in a non-linear narrative, showing their early romance and latter struggles in tandem. The film is still doing the rounds at a few local art-house cinemas and is due on DVD soon, so Josh will be reviewing it this week, so you can judge for yourself whether it's worth a watch.

Now that the awards season is all but over, we can conclude its dramatic climax with the reveal of our awards for Adapted and Original Screenplays, Direction and Best Picture over the course of the next fortnight. Plus, Josh and myself will post our personal Top 5 lists of the year to give you the final word on what deserves the credit from last year's efforts. You just can't rely on the old geezers at the Academy these days we're afraid.

As you can see, you're up for a decent week of content, and if you're really lucky, there might be some news articles in it for you too. We're just the gift that keeps on giving here at NYR you see. For more updates about anything going on here at your first stop for all of the interesting stuff happening in the weird and wonderful world of film, be sure to like us on Facebook (NotYetRated.co.uk) or follow us on Twitter (@NotYetRatedFilm) if you're not already!

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