Thursday 17 March 2011

Review: The Adjustment Bureau

While it doesn’t quite deliver on its intriguing premise, The Adjustment Bureau offers an engaging romance from Damon and Blunt which manifests as a story which is thrilling, entertaining and a little bit different.

The ‘Hollywood pitch’ has been a running joke in the film industry for years. A director or writer selling a project to an impatient and sales-obsessed studio executive as a combination of two popular movies is believed to be common practice, at least satirically. Worryingly though, this is becoming a very real trend in the marketing of films, as if the people are only interested in seeing the force-bred love children of previous blockbusters and classics. This was evidenced most recently on the poster for the latest Philip K. Dick adaption, The Adjustment Bureau, with the quotation “it’s Bourne meets Inception”. I suppose we’re going to have to get used to every film for the next few years which takes a basic philosophical premise and forms it into a narrative device being described, rather brainlessly, as “like that film with the spinning-top and the folding city”. But the use of the equation: Matt Damon + running = Bourne makes this one of the laziest comparisons to date. The first thing you should know about The Adjustment Bureau then is, it is neither of these films.