Monday 28 February 2011

Review: Never Let Me Go

An incredibly unique and moving love story set in a science fiction alternate world, with great central performances from some of Britain’s young rising stars Knightly, Garfield and Mulligan.

Before watching Never Let Me Go I had not read Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel from which the film is adapted; I hadn’t even seen a trailer for it. In fact I’d only really read little snippets about it and had no real idea of what it was going to be about. This is probably the best way to go into the film. All I really knew was that it starred Andrew Garfield, Keira Knightly and Carey Mulligan, most likely Britain’s best young talents currently around, and they did not disappoint. For this review I do have to issue a spoiler warning, as this is a film which is difficult to discuss without revealing a few plot points. So if you’d prefer to see the film completely ignorant of its later story, I’d advise you to stop reading now. That said, these details, while secretive and unexpected, do not form the main basis of the story.

Top 5 of 2010: Alex’s Picks

Choosing my top five films of 2010 has been extremely tough, and I’ve had to rack my brains to come up with a conclusive list. This is not because there have been so many poor films released, but that there have been a lot of exceedingly good ones, which has seen a some great films miss out, such as How to Train your Dragon, Catfish, Ponyo, Shutter Island, Four Lions, I could go on. But there had to be five that made the cut, so here it is, *commence drum roll* my belated Top 5 of 2010:

NotYetRated's Oscars 2011 Predictions

So here's our predictions of how things are about to go down in the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles.

Actor in a Leading Role

Alex: Colin Firth - The King's Speech
Dom: Colin Firth - The King's Speech
Josh: Erm...what?
Sam: Colin Firth - The King's Speech

Actor in a Supporting Role

Alex: Christian Bale - The Fighter
Dom: Christian Bale - The Fighter
Josh: Geoffrey Rush - The King's Speech
Sam: Christian Bale - The Fighter

Actress in a Leading Role

Alex: Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Dom: Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Josh: Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Sam: Natalie Portman - Black Swan