Tuesday 15 February 2011

Nolan To Make Howard Hughes Biopic After Batman?

In other Nolan-related news, Vulture insists that following the completion of The Dark Knight Rises, the director who resurrected the Batman franchise and brought a whole new blockbuster (Inception) to our screens will move on to a Howard Hughes project. Reportedly, the project was one Nolan had written after Memento, but shelved it when Scorsese's The Aviator was announced to be released in 2004.

It might seem crazy to work on the project with DiCaprio's portrayal of the mogul still relatively fresh in the minds of movie-goers. However, Nolan's script is an adaption of the Michael Drosnin biography Citizen Hughes: The Power, the Money and the Madness which focusses on the latter years of Hughes' life and his descent into OCD-fuelled insanity. In contrast, Scorsese's film was centred more around his formative years and obsession with his Spruce Goose invention.

Considering Nolan's interest in characters with a degree of mental instability, think Cobb in Inception and Leonard in Memento, it's reasonable to think that he'll want to explore the weirdness of a man who spent his final years locked in a hotel room, wearing nothing but a dinner napkin, and fitting an air filtration system to his Chrysler. Supposedly the film will begin production in late 2012 for release in 2014, a decade after The Aviator, to avoid too much comparison.

At this point I'm willing to get excited about anything Nolan is working on, so we'll keep a close eye on any developments in this project.