Thursday 10 February 2011

Review: Black Swan

Gloriously extravagant and psychotic, Black Swan is more overwhelming than a subtle character study. At the very least, thrilling entertainment, and at its best, mesmerising drama.

The first three words that come to mind when I think back to Black Swan are "bat shit crazy". Whether this is a good thing or not will likely depend on personal preference, but at the very least it deserves your viewing attention once. To call it merely crazy would be an injustice, Black Swan has insanity and direction, beauty and sleaze in equal measure. That’s to say, this film is a stunning artistic endeavour and dazzling entertainment that will leave you breathless.

Review: 127 Hours

Entertaining and compelling in a way its subject matter would seem not to allow. By the time it reaches its almost unbearable climax, the film will leave you affected in a profound way.

It may be clichéd to say that 127 Hours takes us through the journey of Aron Ralston, but this is precisely what the film does so brilliantly. A powerful film that takes us on a ride to experience a wide range of human emotions, it achieves this while avoiding the pitfalls of the genre and manages to do so without slipping into the stereotype. Just as Aron did while trapped, it will leave you contemplating life, debating what is and is not important. Ralston’s feelings are transferred to the audience well leaving the watcher affected and touched.