Thursday 17 February 2011

Who We Are: Dom

Hello, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Dom. Nothing really qualifies me to write about films other than quite liking them. Other things I like are Tabasco sauce, chino trousers, Radiohead and Star Wars. What I value highest in a film is dialogue, strong central performances and an engaging storyline. But the well-implemented zombie, dinosaur, robot or alien is good too. Film nerds are generally a friendly bunch, so feel free to comment on anything I write, telling me what you think, I won't get offended and I'll always respond eventually. But if you insult Blade Runner, I will hunt you down and murder you like a Replicant.  Anyway, hope you enjoy the site. 

Twitter: @DominicJMartin

The Kind of Shit I Like:

Blade Runner

The Big Lebowski

Apocalypse Now

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Dawn of the Dead


  1. Remember when you had some on your toast, and you couldn't breathe for a minute?

  2. "Grandma, I've pooed myself."
